Prayer Chain
Last updated on July 3, 2024 at 7:53:31 AM

This a a time of great concern and anxiety for family and friends of those serving in harm's way. Please pray for all who are serving and those who love them.

Let us pray for…Dot Whiting; Bill Dumont; Mother Barbara; Hellen; Stephanie; Sam Adell; Diane; Tammy; Robbie; Linda; Linda Barnett; Brent; Diane Aubrey; Diane Lessard; Pat Clement; The family & friends of Kathi; Seth Meyer; Pearl & Ray; Charlie Hoy; Diedre & Celeste (friends of Dianne); Pastor Len; Jane McGuire; Sally & Merton; Court St Baptist Church; Judy Joernigan; Christopher & Liz; Ezekiel; Carmel Morin; Charlotte; Kim; Monica; Matt; Ed Frost: M. E. Clark; Cameron Gunn; Don Marks; Ashton; Charlie Allen; Mindy; Lennie Wing; Jeanine Theroux; John & Nancy Troop; Abbie Guilford; Shelley Fifield; Shelley Fifield; for all the people of Ukraine, Israel, Palestine and in all war-torn and food-scarce areas in the world, and for all who are ill, grieving or suffering in any way.

Our prayer list from 2020 is no longer available. If someone needs to be on it, please message Cathi Proulx or Stephanie Cargile.